Anonima Luci is a lighting design studio based in Milan, founded in 2018 by Alberto Saggia and Stefania Kalogeropoulos. The areas of expertise concern lighting design in all of its forms, from technical lighting, to art installations and product design. Lighting is fundamental to create adequate environments, emotions, giving at the same time the right focus.

Architect, Lighting designer, Exhibition designer
Born in Athens in 1988 she graduates in Architecture in Florence in 2011. The same year she moves to Milan to attend a Master degree in Lighting Design and LED Technology at Politecnico di Milano. After several years working as a lighting designer for Barbara Balestreri (BBLD) developing projects for luxury retail, art exhibitions and museums she decides to attend a second master degree in Exhibition Design bringing her to work also in this field for Migliore + Servetto Architects developing mainly light installations.
Industrial designer, Lighting designer
Born in Novara in 1978 he graduates in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano in 2004. He immediately starts working as a lighting designer for Metis Lighting, both on architectural scale for luxury retail, hospitality, cultural assets and residential projects, and on product scale, developing decorative lamps for several firms.